Tegrity Finds Your Pipeline's Holidays, So You Don't Miss Yours™
GIS External and Internal Corrosion Direct Assessments
Tegrity combines Global Positioning Sub-decimeter Level Measurement with Cathodic Protection Close Interval Survey, External Corrosion Direct Assessment, and Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Pipeline Integrity, to form a Geographic Information System (GIS) Mass Data Spacial Integration View of Midstream Oil and Gas Integrity.
A Technology-Driven Pipeline Inspection Company, performing ScanTegrity™ HDD coating scanning, GPS sub-decimeter mapping, ACCA "Alternating Current-Current Attenuation," DCVG "Direct Current Voltage Gradient," ACVG "Alternating Current Voltage Gradient," and Cathodic Protection Close Interval Survey (CP CIS) Contractor.
We are a bespoke, GIS-powered pipeline safety company whose unique selling proposition is providing the highest integrity pipeline safety inspections with a rigorous commitment to data integrity.
Tegrity performs 49 CFR § 192.461(c) PHMSA post-backfill coating integrity scanning, so your pipeline receives the work you paid your construction contractor to perform. If your pipeline is serious about its pipeline integrity, look no further than Tegrity.
Conducting an ICDA Survey
DG-ICDA was developed for natural gas pipelines that normally carry dry gas, but may suffer from infrequent short-term upsets of liquid water. This standard does not address water vapor condensation. Because of this, DG-ICDA is not applicable to wet gathering and producing pipelines, storage fields or other pipelines where water vapor condensation occurs at distinct locations or throughout the length of the pipeline. Where water condensation occurs or is expected to occur, then assessment should be carried out in accordance with NACE SP0110, Wet Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines. The ICDA DA's are:
►NACE SP0206-2016 DG-ICDA (Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Dry Gas)
►NACE SP0110-2010 SG-ICDA (Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of a High-Pressure Wet-Gas Pipeline)
►NACE SP0208-2008 LP-ICDA (Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Liquid Petroleum)
IoT Cathodic Protection
The Internet of Things (IoT) and cathodic protection enables pipeline midstream operators to identify early pipe failure points in real-time, remotely.
Controlling underground pipeline corrosion of underground steel pipes using cathodic protection is a longstanding practice. A sacrificial piece of metal (anode) is connected to the pipe, and this anode corrodes selectively instead of the steel pipe.
Physical labor is required to monitor sacrificial anodes since as they where down they must be periodically replaced.
Rather than using routine human-based inspection of sacrificial anodes, which is necessary to establish when the anodes are due for replacement, Tegrity can perform that inspection using the Internet.
To remove the need for manual inspections, Tegrity and its partners can install Internet of Things (IoT) systems to monitor these cathodic protection installations. IoT is a fancy way of saying "connecting the CP monitors to the Internet."
ScanTegrity External Corrosion Direct Assessment
Tegrity is a pipeline inspection contractor specializing in Direct Assessment pipeline safety inspections. We perform an iterative integrity assessment protocol used by pipeline operators to assess and evaluate pipeline integrity. Direct Assessment and Cathodic Protection Close Interval Survey Contractor demand has increased due to more stringent industry regulations, an aging pipeline network, limitations of alternate inspection techniques, and the fact that as much as 70 percent of North American pipelines are unpiggable or difficult to pig.
►NACE SP0502-2010 (External Corrosion Direct Assessment)
► NACE TR41013 (External Corrosion, Assessment, and Control of Buried Piping Systems in Nuclear Power Plants)
►NACE TM0109 (Aboveground Survey Techniques for the Evaluation of Underground Pipeline Coating Condition)
►NACE TM0102 (Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical Conductance on Underground Pipelines)
ScanTegrity Pipeline Mapping
High precision sub-decimeter GPS mapping with pipeline locators, overlayed with mapped holidays and importable into Google Earth using KML output files, combing otherwise disparate data into Geographic Information System (GIS) global data integrity.
Since locating a pipeline occurs as the first step in inspection, ScanTegrity ensures that the target pipeline is precisely mapped with high accurate GPS. Embedding field-tagged mapping allows subsequent survey data to overlay earlier survey data, allowing you to follow holiday trends over time.
Only sub-decimeter level GPS mapping your surveys will provide you this level of historical data, and only sub-centimeter level mapping can provide you the raw data necessary for ICDA pipeline inspections.
As a quality-driven, no-excuse pipeline inspection contractor, Tegrity is committed to performing your External Corrosion Direct Assessment Contractor solutions as though your pipeline ran underneath our Grandma's house.
Cathodic Protection - Close Interval Survey
Close Interval Surveys (CIS) – also known as pipe-to-soil and potential gradient surveys – are one of several methods for assessing the effectiveness of cathodic protection (CP) systems used on buried pipelines.
CIS are often used in External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) pipeline inspections. Normally, at least two separate inspection tools, such as CIS, must be used to obtain desired confidence in inspection results. CIS are used to measure the potential (voltage) difference between buried pipes and their surrounding soil. Where a pipe is located under concrete or asphalt, precautions must be taken to ensure good electrical contact with surrounding soil. This is typically accomplished by boring holes through the concrete or asphalt to allow contact with the soil.
“On/off” potential surveys measure the potential difference between the pipe and the ground surface, as the cathodic protection is switched on and off. “Depolarized” potential surveys measure the potential difference between the pipe and the ground surface after the cathodic protection current has been switched off long enough for the pipe-to-soil potential to stabilize. “On” potential surveys measure the potential difference between the pipe and the ground surface at regular intervals, while the cathodic protection is operating in its normal mode.
Tegrity is a proud NACE Corporate Sponsor.
Unprotected pipelines, whether buried in the ground, exposed to the atmosphere, or submerged in water, must be properly maintained and protected from corrosion. When you select a pipeline inspection contractor to perform as your External Corrosion Direct Assessment Contractor, pick a Cathodic Protection Close Interval Survey Contractor that takes no shortcuts. Trying to save a thousand bucks a day on an inspection crew, only to have indications of discontinuity missed, will not save you one thin dime.
NACE field training on pipeline corrosion control techniques, as well as managerial-level best practices on how to develop pipeline integrity management programs, for both the interior and exterior of pipeline systems.
Conducting an ACCA Survey
An Alternating Current, Current Attenuation, (ACCA) survey measures the attenuation of the transmitted 4Hz signal to establish the pattern of current loss.
The results can be used to establish the condition of the pipeline coating, locate faults, or find shorts caused by contact with other metal objects.
Having used the pinpointing method to ensures you are directly above the correct pipeline, it is now possible to take measurements of the 4Hz signal. Using it together with Tegrity ACVG then pinpoints the holiday. Choose a pipeline inspection contractor that values quality over profits.
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